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Voluspa 3 Wick Holiday Candle

Designer: Voluspa

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Noble Fir Garland 

The clock strikes twelve, and the house is still, glowing with anticipation for festivities ahead. Enchanting emerald green and fresh Rosemary garland drape the warm fireplace. The centerpiece of celebration, the tree, reaches out with fragrant branches of Noble Fir and Cedarwood, dusted with festive Cardamom spice. Adorned in the spirit and sparkle of the holidays, a tapestry of Cashmere Musk and Warm Amber lights cast shadows dancing into the morning light. The Holidays have arrived.

Crushed Candy Cane

This sweet and inexplicable attraction of opposites is a recipe for love. Cool, crisp and crush worthy in its own right, Peppermint is swirled into the warm scent of freshly baked butter cookies- creating instant infatuation. Meet your new holiday crush…

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